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  • Did you know this only happened 99 years ago?

Did you know this only happened 99 years ago?

Parenting Journey

On this day 99 years ago, women won the right to vote after a courageous 72-year campaign by tens of thousands of women and men who believed in the promise of America for everyone.

Despite the progress made in the last 99 years, women, particularly women of color, are still being left behind. Women makeup 80% of the under-paid human services workforce, play a disproportionate role in raising children, earn less money than our male colleagues, and are underrepresented in government and every other sector.

That’s why in order to uplift women, strengthen families, and guarantee equality for all, our Parent Advisory Council developed our Parents’ Bill of Rights, which has been endorsed by the Boston City Council and Somerville School Committee.

Do you believe it’s time for everyone to have access to economic opportunity, healthcare, paid family leave, living wages, and affordable housing?

Lend your voice to our fight for families by signing on to our Parent’s Bill of Rights in honor of the legacy of the suffragettes who gave women a voice in government.

Ninety nine years later, the dream of a more perfect union where all people are treated equally continues — join us in bringing us closer to equality in the coming 99 years.

Thanks for being a part of our movement to uplift all parents and families!

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Parents’ Bill of Rights

We as parents & caregivers deserve to raise our children in vibrant communities. We all deserve:

  • to live in a vibrant community where we are safe;
  • to access nutritious and affordable food in our community;
  • to live in an affordable home that meets livable standards; and
  • to send our children to safe, high-quality schools in our neighborhoods.

We as parents & caregivers deserve the ability to support our families. We all deserve:

  • paid time off to care for a new child or sick family member;
  • comprehensive healthcare that is affordable for our whole family and includes:
    • Mental health care, including substance use treatment and prevention services, and
    • Reproductive health care;
  • high quality and affordable childcare; and
  • living wages.

We as parents & caregivers deserve to raise our children with the culture and values that reflect our diversity. We all deserve:

  • comprehensive immigration policies that keep families together; and
  • family-centered policies that prevent discrimination based on sexuality, gender, race or socioeconomic status.
