Sober Parenting Journey Facilitator Training to Launch in June 2017
What is Sober Parenting Journey?
Sober Parenting Journey is a 14-session group specifically designed for parents in recovery. This program helps parents explore past family patterns, begin to heal past wounds, and seize the opportunity to take a new path that involves personal responsibility, sobriety, and the mobilization of hope through focused action.
Sober Parenting Journey helps parents to:
- Become more confident in their recovery, and more hopeful and optimistic about the future.
- Understand what it means to be a good parent while struggling with the challenges of recovering from an addiction.
- Identify their strengths and increase their resiliency.
- Build greater trust and connections to others.
Train to be a Sober Parenting Journey Facilitator.
Parenting Journey will be launching a Sober Parenting Journey training program in June 2017. Join us to learn first-hand how to use this experiential curriculum to run Sober Parenting Journey groups within your organization.
Register Today – Somerville, MA
Register Today – New York, NY